Monday, April 26, 2010

Makeup then hair, or hair then makeup?

when you are getting ready to go out,

how many people do their makeup first, or their hair first?Makeup then hair, or hair then makeup?
I do makeup first, then I can figure out how the hairstyle will be according to the makeup, or if you do your hair first, then you can do your makeup based off of your hairstyle, so vice versa.Makeup then hair, or hair then makeup?
hair, because it gets me out the door faster and if i do it the oppiste way my make up wll get messed up.
hair first girlfriendddd.

but just don't get any of your makeup in your hair...
I do my hair first because it takes longer and its more important to me because I dont need makeup that bad it my hair takes really longer than i thought it would end up.
i do my make-up first, while my hair is drying

then i finish blow drying it, and go over it with a straightner :)
hairr first!
i do my hair first but only because the hairstyle of hav needs styling to look good

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